Transforming science into startups
Tim Hamrich
News reporter
This is Tim Hamrich from the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future report.
What is the right way to bring the latest science and technology to the market? This was the question Purdue University asked when it launched DIAL Ventures a few years ago. DIAL stands for Digital Innovation in Agri-Food Systems Laboratory. Dr. Lorival Monaco is the research director of a startup studio that tries to launch companies to address big problems in food and agriculture.
Monaco… “As a startup studio, right? Our main goal is to create a positive impact in our industry. So we are in Bordeaux. So we are not seeking profit, we are doing it for the money. We do this because agriculture, the way we see it, is the backbone of America, and we are trying to create a significant impact in this industry. Positive effect. And I focus on impact a lot because the way we see impact is something that exists in the market in this industry, not just in academia. So it can’t be just research or exercise. It should be applied research, but it should also be translational. This meant that we had to create something that people would have to use. The way we decided to do this is through startups, entrepreneurship and innovation. Purdue is really good at that. Understand, how can we create new things, right? So we decided to do it. So we started creating startups.
Monaco said the startup studio is currently focused on agriculture, sustainability and environmental impact.