This community opinion was contributed by Ed Toys. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of BenitoLink or its other contributors. This art is in Spanish.
San Juan Bautista is in debt A debt of gratitude to Don Reynolds for six years of dedication to community service and accomplishment as City Manager. His last day in office on Friday, December 20, passed without any special recognition or acknowledgment. But during his tenure, he focused on strategic issues that would impact SJB’s future success: maintaining financial stability and ensuring a reliable and environmentally sound water and wastewater system.
Every small town faces challenges to meet citizens’ expectations for service, assemble and lead a small staff, and encourage economic development. Don has skillfully managed these challenges and will leave his successor with a foundation for future prosperity.
They say that it’s not the mountain in front of you that wears you down, but the stone in your shoe. Don never took his eyes off the big issues while embracing the many smaller demands that help define the community and quality of life in San Juan Bautista. Thank you Don.
Ed Twiss
Former interim city manager
San Juan Bautista
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